
Jae Hyun Jeong
Associate Professor of Chem. Eng,
Soongsil University.
Hyungnam Memorial Engineering Building
Lab: 819 / Office: 910
(Tel) +82-2-828-7043
(Fax) +82-2-812-5378
[Education and Experience]
2019.09 ~ : Soongsil University, Associate Professor, Chemical Eng.
2013.09 ~ 2019.08: Soongsil University, Assistant Professor, Chemical Eng.
2022.02 ~ : Soongsil University, Director of Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning
2013.03 ~ 2013.08: Ewha Womans University
Professor for special appointment, Chemistry and Nano Sciences
2008.10 ~ 2013.02: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
Post-doctoral Research Associate Fellow
2007.01 ~ 2008.10: LG Chem. Ltd/ Research Park
Senior Researcher, Petrochemicals and Polymers R&D
2003.07 ~ 2003.12: Purdue University
Visiting Scholar, Pharmaceutics and Biomedical Engineering
2003.03 ~ 2007.02: (Ph.D.) KAIST, Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
2001.03 ~ 2003.02: (M.S.) KAIST, Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
1997.03 ~ 2001.02: (B.S.) Yonsei University, Dept. of Chemical Engineering
[Honors and Awards]
2020 Soongsil Fellowship Professor (2019 SFP, Teaching)
2019 Soongsil Fellowship Professor (2018 SFP, Teaching)
2019 교육혁신우수교원상, 숭실대학교 이사장
2018 Soongsil Fellowship Professor (2017 SFP, Teaching)
2018 우수연구과제상, 한국산학연협회장
2017 Soongsil Fellowship Professor (2016 SFP, Teaching)
2016 Soongsil Fellowship Professor (2015 SFP, Teaching)
2016 Best Teaching Portfolio Award (10th), ABEEK in Soongsil University
2014 Best Teaching Portfolio Award (7th), ABEEK in Soongsil University
2012 Best Presentation Award, Imaging at Illinois, Beckman Institute (USA)
2011 Best Research Award, RBTE symposium, IGB (USA)
2010 Best Presentation Award, RBTE Symposium, Chicago (USA)
2010 Outstanding Research Award, Stem Cell Conference, Chicago (USA)
2005 Scholarship supported by LG Chem. Ltd./Research Park
2003 Scholarship supported by Brain Korea 21 for overseas research
1999 Scholarship supported by ‘WookHa’ Foundation Fellowship
1998 President’s list in Yonsei University
1997~2000 Scholarship supported by Yonsei University, continually.