S.G. Shin, S.J. Kim, J. Kang, S.H. Hong, N. Kim, and J.H. Jeong, "Tuning the Swelling Behavior of Super-Absorbent Hydrogels Cross-Linked with a Branched Poly(aspartic acid) Crosslinker", Gels, (2025) Accepted
Y.N. Cho, J.W. Lim, S.J. Oh, S.R. Han, J. Jeong, S. Cho, B.H. Han, and J.H. Jeong, "O2-Microbubble of Iron-Porphyrin conjugated Polyaspartamide for Molecular Ultrasound Contrast Effect", Biotechnology Letters, (2025) Accepted
K. Baek, J. Park, E.M. Kim, R. Miller, W. Ballance, Y. Seo, Yu-T, J.H. Jeong, H. Kong, "A Reconfigurable Proangiogenic Hydrogel Patch Enabling Minimally Invasive Drug Delivery", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, (2024) 16(35), 46159-46166
T.E. Kim, J.W. Lim, J.H. Jeong, H.W Ryu, "Differential Cytotoxicity, Inflammatory Responses, and Aging Effects of human Skin Cells to Fine Dust Expose", Environments, (2024) 11(11), 259
C. Woo, J. Byun, S.G. Shin, H. Yoo, S. Cho, D. Lee, T. Park, J.H. Jeong, "Tailored 3D Agarose-Well Integrated with Human Skin Equivalents for Enhanced Skin Penetration Assessment", Gels, (2024) 10(11), 691
D.H. An, H.C. Kang, J.W. Lim, J. Kim, H. Lee, J.H. Jeong, S.M. Park, J.W. Chung, "Fabrication and Characterization of Biocompatible Multilayered Elastomer Hybrid with Enhanced Water Permeation Resistance for Packaging of Implantable Biomedical Devices", Micromachines, (2024) 15(11), 1309
H. Choi, J.H. Jeong, T. Park, D. Lee, "Direct multi-target teaching interface for autonomous handling of multi-stack logistics in warehouse.", Sensors, (2024) 24(17), 5470
H. Jeong, S. Cho, E.J. Heo, C. Woo, S.G. Shin, M.H. Kim, and J.H. Jeong, "Mechano-responsive chameleon-gel integrated with dumbbell-shaped spiropyran cross-linker", Materials Letters, (2024) 361, 136141
S.R. Han, Y. Ahn, S. Cho, H. Jeong, Y. Ji, W. Jung, J.H. Jeong, "A Spike-like Self-assembly of Polyaspartamide Integrated with Functionalized Nanoparticles", Polymers, (2024) 16(2), 234
J.W. Lim, S.J. Kim, J. Jeong, S.G. Shin, C. Woo, W. Jung, J.H. Jeong, "Regulated Self-Folding in Multi-Layered Hydrogels Considered with an Interfacial Layer", Gels, (2024) 10(1), 48
T.E. Kim, J.W. Lim, J.H. Jeong, H.W Ryu, "Effects of Key Particulate Matter Components (PAHs, Trace Elements, and Ions) on the Physiology of Human Airway Epithelial Cells (Calu-3)", Journal of Odor and Indoor Environment, (2024) 23(3), 197-206
J.S. Kim, J.H. Kim, J.W. Lim, D.J. Kim, J.I. Lee, H.B. Choi, H.M. Kweon, J.H. Lee, H.O. Yee, J.H. Kim, B.K. Kim, M.S. Kang, J.H. Jeong, S.M. Park, D.H. Kim, "Implantable Multi-Cross-Linked Membrane-Ionogel Assembly for Reversible Non-Faradaic Neurostimulation", ACS Nano, (2023) 17(15), 14706-14717
J.W. Lim, Y.R. Kim, J.M. Jeong, J.-E. Kwon, S.-H. Jo, J.D. Jang, J.S. Park, Y.-G. Kim, J.H. Jeong, "Effect of Skin Wrinkle Reduction Using Emulsions with Microbiome Extracts Selected by 3D Human Skin Equivalents", J. Soc. Cosmet. Sci. Korea, (2023) 49(1), 47-58
M.H. Jeong, J.H. Youk, J.H. Jeong, S.J. Lee, "Study on Superhydrophobic Effect of Polymer Pattern Film", Polymer Korea, (2023) 47(6), 773-779
H. Kim, H.C. Youn, J.H. Jeong, S.W. Kim, "Efficacy of Autologous Serum Gel in Neurotrophic Persistent Corneal Epithelial Defects Combined with Lagophthalmos", Ophthalmology and Therapy, (2022) 11(6), 2129-2139
M. Shin, J.-H. Choi, J. Lim, S.W. Cho, T.Ha, J.H. Jeong, J.-W. Choi, "Electroactive Nano-Biohybrid Actuator composed of Gold Nanoparticle-embedded Muscle Bundle on Molybenum Disulfide Nanosheet-modified Electrode for Motion Enhancement of Biohybrid Robot", Nano Convergence, (2022) 9(1), 24
W.-S. Song, J.-S. Lee, J.W. Lim, J. Kim, S.-H. Jo, J.-E. Kwon, J.-H. Park, S. H. Choi, D. Jang, I.W. Kim, J.H. Jeong, Y.-G. Kim, "Multiomics characterization of dose- and time-dependent effects of ionizing radiation on human skin keratinocytes", Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, (2022) 39(9), 2455-2464
J.-S. Lee, W.-S. Song, J. W. Lim, T.-R. Choi, S.-H. Jo, H.-J. Jeon, J.-E. Kwon, J.-H. Park, Y.-R. Kim, Y.-H. Yang, J. H. Jeong, Y.-G. Kim, "An integrative multiomics approach to characterize anti-adipogenic and anti-lipogenic effects of Akkermansia muciniphila in adipocytes", Biotechnology Journalt, (2022) 17(2), 2100397
I.S. Choi, H.-J. Kim, K.S. Kim, Y.S. Jin, E.Y. Lee, J.W. Park, Y.-J. Kwark, Y.S. Lee, J.H. Jeong, I.W. Kim, "Docetaxel Nanocrystals Produced cia an Amorphous Precursor", Polymer Korea, (2022) 46(2), 275-280
J. Son, S. J. Hong, J. W. Lim, W. Jeong, J. H. Jeong, H.-W. Kang, "Engineering Tissue-Specific, Multiscale Microvasculature with a Capillary Network for Prevascularized Tissue", Small Methods, (2021) 5(10), 2100632
S. H. Kim, J. H. Jeong, H. Shim, H.-C. Woo, K. B. C. Imani, J. Yoon, J. H. Jeong, M. H. Kim, "Water-responsive tough 1D hydrogel with programmable deformations for actuators and chemical sensors", Smart Materials and Structure, (2021) 30(7), 075014
H. I. Jeong, D. H. An, J. W. Lim, T. Oh, H. Lee S.-M. Park, J. H. Jeong, J. W. Chung, "Hydrogel Surface-Modified Polyurethane Copolymer Film with Water Permeation Resistance and Biocompatibility for Implantable Biomedical Devices", Micromachines, (2021) 12(4), 447
W.-S. Song, S. G. Shin, S.-H. Jo, J.-S. Lee, H.-J. Jeon, J.-E. Kwon, J.-H. Park, S. Cho. J. H. Jeong, Y.-G. Kim, "Development of an in vitro coculture device for the investigation of host–microbe interactions via integrative multiomics approaches", Biotechnology and Bioengineering, (2021) 118, 1593-1604
S.J. Kim, H.-W. Jeong, S. G. Shin, S. W. Cho, "Analysis of Number of Elastically Cross-links to Predict the Mechanical Properties of 3D Networked Poly(sodium acrylate) Gel", Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology, (2021) 38(1), 300-308
H. Jeong, S. J. Kim, E. Heo, S. G. Shin, S. R. Han, J. H. Jeong, "Multi-responsive hydrogel cross-linked synthesized spiropyran-based hydrophilic cross-linker", Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology, (2021) 38(1), 126-135
S.G. Shin, S.R. Han, N. Jung, Y. Ji, J.H. Jeong, "Physiological activities of poly(amino acid)'s derivatives with -sheet structure on the skin", Journal of the Koreans Applied Science and Techanology, (2020) 37, 1597-1604
J.W. Lim, H.-J. Kim, Y. Kim, S.G. Shin, S. Cho, W.G. Jung, J.H. Jeong, "An Active and Soft Hydrogel Actuator to Stimulate Live Cell Clusters by Self-folding", Polymers, (2020) 12, 583-592
D.-H. Ahn, H.-J. Kim, S.-M. Kim, S.-J. Jo, J.H. Jeong, Y.-G. Kim, "MALDI-MS-Based Quantitative Analysis of Bioactive Forms of Viatmin D in Biological Samples", Korean Chemical Engineering Research, (2020) 58(1), 106-112
H.-J. Kim, S. W. Cho, S. J. Oh, S. G. Shin, H. W. Ryu, J.H. Jeong, "Tuning the Hydrophobicity of a Hydrogel Using Self-Assembled Domains of Polymer Cross-Linkers", Materials, (2019) 12, 1635-1643
H.-J. Kim, D. J. Min, S. H. Lee, J. W. Lim, N. S. Jung, H. W. Ryu, J.H. Jeong, "Tunable 3D Agarose-Well to enhance structural integrity of a reconstructed human skin equivalent", Materials Letters, (2019) 253, 298-301
S. R. Han, S. G. Shin, S. J. Oh, .S. W. Cho, N. S. Jung, K. B. Kang, J.H. Jeong, "Tuning the rheological properties of colloidal microgel controlled with degree of cross-links", Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology, (2019) 36(2), 655-665
S. G. Shin, N. S. Jung, H.-J. Kim, J.H. Jeong, "Analysis of Properties of Lipophilic Gel Integrated with Grafted Crosslinker for Absorbing VOCs", Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, (2019) 35, 27-35
I.-W. Park, N. S. Jung, S. R. Han, S. J. Oh, H.-J. Kim, J. H. Jeong, "β-Sheet Mediated Self-assembly of Poly(aspartamide) Grafted Oligo(L-valine)", Polymer(Korea), (2019) 43(4), 1-5
W.-S. Song, H.-M. Park, J. M. Ha, S. G. Shin, H.-G. Park, J.W. Kim, T. Zhang, D.-H. Ahn, S.-M. Kim, Y.-H. Yang, J. H. Jeong, A. B. Theberge, B.-G. Kim, J. K. Lee, Y.-G. Kim, "Discovery of glycocholic acid and taurochenodeoxycholic acid as phenotypic biomarkers in cholangiocarcinoma", Scientific Reports, (2018) 8, 11088
J. Byun, S. G. Shin, S. R. Han, S. W. Cho, J. W. Lim, J.H. Jeong, "Analysis of Procollagen Biosynthesis of Functional Peptides Utilizing Stiffness Controlled Artificial Skin Dermis", Journal of Society of cosmetic scientists of Korea, (2018) 44(4), 419-425
J. W. Lim, N. S. Jung, S. G. Shin, H. J. Kwon, J.H. Jeong, "Self-folding of Multi-layered and Compartmented Hydrogel Designed for 4D Mask Pack", Journal of Society of cosmetic scientists of Korea, (2018) 44(4), 399-405
S.J. Lee, H.-J. Kim, Y.-M. Huh, I.W. Kim, J.H. Jeong, J.C. Kim, and J.-D. Kim, "Functionalized magnetic PLGA Nanospheres for Targeting and Bioimaging of breast cancer", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, (2018) 18, 1542-1547(6)
M.-H. Jung, S.G. Shin, J.W. Lim, S.R. Han, H.-J. Kim, J.H. Jeong, "Tuning the Stiffness of Dermal Fibroblast-encapsulating Collagen Gel by Sequential Cross-linking",Journal of Society of cosmetic scientists of Korea, (2018) 44(1), 23-29
S.J. Oh, H.-J. Kim, S.W. Cho, S.R. Han, S.G. Shin, J.H. Jeong, "Tuning the Toughness of an Alginate Micro-gel for Cell-instructed Delivery", Polymer(Korea), (2018) 42(1), 140-146
S.-J. Oh, H.-J. Kim, S.R. Han, J.H. Jeong, "Biomimetic Nano Delivery Carrier and Surface Chemistry", Korean Industrial Chemistry News, (2017) 20(6), 40-53
N. Clay, J. Whittenberg, J. Leong, V. Kumar, J. Chen, I. Choi, E. Liama, J. Sschieferstein, J.H. Jeong, D.-H. Kim, Z. Zhang, P. Kenis, I.W. Kim, H.J. Kim, “Chemical and mechanical modulation of polymeric micelle assembly”, Nanoscale, (2017) 9, 5194-5204
S.W. Cho, S.G. Shin, H.-J. Kim, S.R. Han, and J.H. Jeong, "Self-folding of Multi-layered Hydrogel Designed for Biological Machine", Polymer(Korea), (2017) 41(2), 346-351
S.R. Han, H.G. Lee, H.J. Kim, Y. N. Cho, S.J. Lee, C.K. Zhoh, J. H. Jeong, “Self-assembly of Retinoic Acid-conjugated Poly(Amino Acid)'s Derivative”, Journal of Society of cosmetic scientists of Korea, (2016) 42, 433
S.J. Lee, S.R. Han, J.H. Jeong, J.D. Kim, “Effects of Oil type on the Stability of Oil-in-Water Lipid Nanoemulsion”, Journal of the Korean Oil Chemists Society, (2016) 33, 667
G.H. Lee, S.J. Kim, M.C. Kim, H.S. Choe, D.M. Kim, S.B. Han, D.H. Kwak, J.H. Jeong and K.-W. Park, “In situ formation of MoS2/C nanocomposite as an anode for high-performance lithium-ion batteries”, RSC Advances, (2016) 6, 92259-92266
Kyoung-Jin Kim, Hee-Jin Kim, Han-Kyu Park, Cheol-Hwan Hwang, Changmin Sung, Kyoung-Soon Jang, Sung-Hee Park, Byung-Gee Kim, Yoo-Kyung Lee, Yung-Hun Yang, Jae Hyun Jeong*, Yun-Gon Kim*, "A MALDI-MS-based quantitative analytical method for endogenous estrone in human breast cancer cells" Scientific Reports, (2016) 6(24489), 1-7
John Schmidt, Min Kyung Lee, Eunkyung Ko, Jae Hyun Jeong, Luisa A. DiPietro, Hyunjoon Kong, "Alginate Sulfates Mitigates Binding Kinetics of Proangiogenic Growth Factors with Receptors toward Revascularization," Molecular Pharmaceutics, (2016) 13(7), 2148-2154
Min Hui Wang, Jae Hyun Jeong, Jin-Chul Kim, "Thermo-triggerable self-assembly comprising cinnamoyl polymeric β cyclodextrin and cinnamoyl Pluronic F127," Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, (2016) 142, 148–158
Hee Jin Kim, Yoon Na Cho, Sung Woo Cho, Yun-Gon Kim, Hee Wook Ryu, Jae Hyun Jeong, "Tuning the Hydrophobicity of Agar Hydrogel with Substituent Effect," Polymer(Korea), (2016) 40(2), 321-327
Huangying Guo, Jae Hyun Jeong, Jin-Chul Kim, "Electrospun thermo-responsive nanofibers of poly(hydroxyethylacrylate-co-coumarylacrylate-co-ethylmethacrylate)," Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, (2016) 495, 1–10
Sung Woo Cho, Hee Jin Kim, Yoon Na Cho, Jae Hyun Jeong, "Top-down synthesis of polyaspartamide morphogens to derive platinum nanoclusters", Materials Letters, (2016) 168,184–187
Yoon Na Cho, Hee Jin Kim, Sung Woo Cho, Sung Gyu Shin, Jae Hyun Jeong, "Biomimetic Self-assembly of Porphyrin-conjugated Polyaspartamide in Aqueous Solution," Polymer(Korea), (2016) 40(2), 163-166
Kyoung-Jin Kim, Yoon-Woo Kim, Cheol-Hwan Hwang, Han-Kyu Park, Jae Hyun Jeong, Yun-Gon Kim, "Recent Advances in MALDI-MS Based Quantitative Targeted Glycan Analysis," Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Journal, (2015) 30(5), 1-9
Oh-Seung Kwon, Hee Jin Kim, Jae Hyeon Jeong, "Hydrogel-based artificial heart valve prepared by a 3D Printer", Journal of the Research Institute for Frontier Technology, (2015) 45, 58-65
Chaenyung Cha, Jae Hyun Jeong, Hyunjoon Kong, "Poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) core-shell microspheres with enhanced controllability of drug encapsulation and release rate", Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, (2015) 26(13), 828-840
Sung Gyu Shin, Sung Woo Cho, Jae Hyeon Jeong, "Stiffness-modulated Transparent Hydrogel Soil to Regulate Root Development by a 3D printing", Journal of the Research Institute for Frontier Technology, 45 (2015) 45, 66-71
Mun Ho Kim, Jae Hyun Jeong, Doo-Jin Byun, “Controlled photooxidation of polymeric colloidal crystals for surface patterns tuning", Polymer Degradation and Stability, (2015) 120, 17-22
Min Kyung Lee, Max Rich, Artem Shkumatov, Jae Hyun Jeong, Marni Boppart, Rashid Bashir, Jonghwi Lee, Hyunjoon Kong, “Glacier Moraine Formation-Mimicking Colloidal Particle Assembly in Microchanneled, Bioactive Hydrogel for Guided Vascular Network Construction”, Advanced Healthcare Materials, (2015) 4(2), 195-201
Jae Yoen Choi, Jea Hyun Jeong, "Self-folding assembly of multi-walled hydrogel tube for skin-mimicking structure and function", Journal of the Research Institute for Frontier Technology, (2014) 43, 52-61
Max Rich, Min Kyung Lee, Kwanghyun Baek, Jae Hyun Jeong, Dong Hyun Kim, Rashid Bashir, Larry J. Millet, Hyunjoon Kong, “Material-mediated proangiogenic factor release pattern modulates quality of regenerated vessels”, Journal of Controlled Release, (2014) 196, 363-369
김일원, 정재현, "의료 및 바이오산업에서의 3D 프린팅 소재", KOITA TIP(Tech-Issue Paper), (2014) 18-27
Johana Vega, Min Kyung Lee, Jae Hyun Jeong, Cartney Smith, Kwan Young Lee, Hee Jung Chung, Deborah Leckband, Hyunjoon Kong, “Recapitulating cell-cell adhesion using N-Cadherin biologically tethered to substrates”, Biomacromolecules, (2014) 15(6), 2172-2179
Nihan Yonet-Tanyeri, Max H. Rich, Minkyung Lee, Mei-Hsiu Lai, Jae Hyun Jeong, Ross J. DeVolder, Hyunjoon Kong, “The spatiotemporal control of erosion and molecular release from micropatterned poly(ethylene glycol)-based hydrogel”, Biomaterials, (2013) 34(33), 8416 - 8423.
Kwanghyun Baek, Jae Hyun Jeong, Artem Shkumatov, Rashid Bashir, and Hyunjoon Kong, “Swelling-driven Self-folding poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogel Enabling Sustained Macromolecular release for neovascularization”, Advanced Materials, (2013) 25, 5568.
Chaenyung Cha, Eleni Antoniadou, Minkyung Lee, Jae Hyun Jeong, Wylie W. Ahmed, Taher A. Saif, Stephen A. Boppart, Hyunjoon Kong, “Tailoring Hydrogel Adhesion to Polydimethylsiloxane Substrate using Polysaccharide Glue”, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition*, (2013) 125, 7087-7090.
* This article was chosen by editors as a HOT paper in Soft Materials Chemistry.
Jae Hyun Jeong*, John J. Schmidt*, Richie Kohman, Andrew Zill, Ross J. DeVolder, Cartney E. Smith, Mei-Hsui Lai, Artem Shkumatov, Tor Jensen, Lawrence Schook, Steven C. Zimmerman, Hyunjoon Kong, “Leukocyte-Mimicking Target Stem Cell Delivery via in situ cell coating with a Bioactive Hyperbranched Polyglycerol”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2013) 135(24), 8770-8773.
* This article was featured on the front cover of JACS.
* This article was highlighted as a spotlight by JACS editors.
* This work was highlighted in C&EN from American Chemical Society: Putting Stem Cells in Their Place;
Regenerative Medicine
John Schmidt*, Jae Hyun Jeong*, Vincent Chan, Chaenyung Cha, Kwanghyun Baek, Mei-Hsiu Lai, Rashid Bashir, Hyunjoon Kong, “Tailoring the Dependency between Rigidity and Water Uptake of a Microfabricated Hydrogel with the Conformational Rigidity of a Polymer Cross-linker”, Biomacromolecules*, (2013) 14, 1361-1369.
* The first two authors contributed equally to this work.
Jae Hyun Jeong, Youyun Liang, Michelle Jang, Chaenyung Cha, Cathy Chu, Haekwang Lee, Woong Gyu Jung, Jin Woong Kim, Stephen A. Boppart, Hyunjoon Kong, “Stiffness-modulated water retention and neovascularization of dermal fibroblast-encapsulating collagen gel”, Tissue Engineering Part A, (2013) 19(11-12), 1275-1284.
Jae Hyun Jeong, Chaenyung Cha, Amy Kaczmarowski, John Haan, Soonnam Oh and Hyunjoon Kong, “Polyaspartamide Vesicles Induced by Metallic Nanoparticles”, Soft Matter, (2012) 8, 2237-2242.
Ross DeVolder, Andrew Zill, Jae Hyun Jeong, Hyunjoon Kong, “Microfabrication of Proangiogenic Cell-Laden Alginate-g-Pyrrole hydrogels”, Biomaterials, (2012) 33(31), 7718.
Vincent Chan, Mitchell B. Collens, Jae Hyun Jeong, Kidong Park, Hyunjoon Kong, and Rashid Bashir,“Directed Cell Growth and Alignment on Protein-Patterned 3D Hydrogels with Stereolithography”, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, (2012) 7, 219-228.
Mei-Hsiu Lai, Jae Hyun Jeong, DeVolder Ross, Brockman Christopher, Schroeder Charles, Hyunjoon Kong, “Ellipsoidal Polyaspartamide Polymersomes with Enhanced Cell-Targeting Ability”, Advanced Functional Materials, (2012) 22, 3239-3246.
Jae Hyun Jeong, Vincent Chan, Chaenyung Cha, Pinar Zorlutuna, Casey Dyck, Jimmy K. Hsia, Rashid Bashir, Hyunjoon Kong, “‘Living’ microvascular stamp for patterning of functional neovessels; Orchestrated control of matrix property and geometry”, Advanced Materials*, (2012) 24, 58-63.
* This article was featured on the front cover of Advanced Materials.
* This work was highlighted in C&EN from American Chemical Society, Blood Vessels via Special Delivery,
1/09/2012, 90 (2) p. 33
* The technology developed in this article was introduced in Inside Science TV.
Vincent Chan, Jae Hyun Jeong, Piyush Bajaj, Mitchell Collens, Taher Saif, Hyunjoon Kong, and Rashid Bashir, “Multi-Material Bio-Fabrication of Hydrogel Cantilevers and Actuators with Stereolithography”, Lab on a Chip, (2012) 12, 88-98.
* This article was featured on the back cover of Lab on a Chip.
Youyun Liang*, Jae Hyun Jeong*, Ross J. DeVolder, Chaenyung Cha, Fei Wang, Yen Wah Tong, Hyunjoon Kong, “A Cell-Instructive Hydrogel to Regulate Malignancy of 3D Tumor Spheroids via Rigidity”, Biomaterials, (2011) 32, 9308-9315.
* The first two authors contributed equally to this work.
Pinar Zorlutuna, Jae Hyun Jeong, Hyunjoon Kong, and Rashid Bashir, "Stereolithography-Based Hydrogel Microenvironments for Examining Spatial Cellular Interactions”, Advanced Functional Materials*, (2011) 21, 3642-3651.
* This article was featured on the front cover of Advanced Functional Materials.
Chaenyung Cha, Jae Hyun Jeong, Xin Tang, Andrew Zill, Y. Prakash, Steven Zimmerman, Taher Saif, Hyunjoon Kong, “Top-down synthesis of versatile polyaspart-amide linkers for single-step protein conjugation to organic and inorganic materials”, Bioconjugate Chemistry, (2011) 22, 2377-2382.
John Schmidt, Jae Hyun Jeong, Hyunjoon Kong, “The interplay of Cell Adhesion Cues and Curvature of a Cell Adherent Alginate Microgel for Multipotent Stem Cell Culture”, Tissue Engineering Part A, (2011) 17(21-22), 2687-2694.
Chaenyung Cha, Jae Hyun Jeong, Hyunjoon Kong, “Tuning the dependency between stiffness and permeability of cell-encapsulating hydrogel with hydrophilic pendant chains”, Acta Biomaterialia, (2011) 7, 3719-3728.
Jae Hyun Jeong, John J. Schmidt, Chaenyung Cha and Hyunjoon Kong, “Tuning responsiveness and structural integrity of a pH responsive hydrogel using a poly(ethylene glycol) cross-linker”, Soft Matter, (2010) 6, 3930-3938.
Vincent Chan, Pinar Zorlutuna, Jae Hyun Jeong, Hyunjoon Kong, Rashid Bashir, "Three-Dimensional Photopatterning of Hydrogels using Stereolithography for Long-Term Cell Encapsulation", Lab on a Chip, (2010) 10, 2062-2070.
* This article was featured on the back cover of Lab on a Chip.
Jae Hyun Jeong, B.Y. Kim, S.J. Lee, Jong-Duk Kim, “A Novel Immobilization Technique using a Poly(amino acid) Multilayer Designed for Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensing”, Chemical Physics Letters, (2006) 421, 373-377.
Jae Hyun Jeong, Yong Woo Cho, Bokyung Jung, Kinam Park, Jong-Duk Kim, “Nanoparticle Formation by Self-Assembly of Ribozymes (Rzs) with Poly(ethylene glycol)-b-Poly(L-lysine) Block Copolymer”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, (2006) 45, 591-595.
Sung Ho Cho, Jae Hyun Jeong, Seung Rim Yang, Byoung Yun Kim, Jong-Duk Kim, “Binding Evaluation of Microbubbles Targeted to Biotin-Avidin by Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, (2006) 45, 421-425.
Jae Hyun Jeong, Hyung Seok Kang, Seung Rim Yang, Kinam Park, Jong-Duk Kim, “Biodegradable Poly(asparagine) grafted with Poly(caprolactone) and the Effect of Substitution on Self-aggregation” Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, (2005) 264, 187.
Byoung Yun Kim, Jae Hyun Jeong, Kinam Park and Jong-Duk Kim, “Bioadhesive Interaction and Hypoglycemic effect of Insulin-loaded lectin-microparticle conjugates in oral insulin delivery system”, Journal of Controlled Release, (2005) 102(3),525.
Kang Moo Huh, Sang Cheon Lee, Yong Woo Cho, Jaehwi Lee, Jae Hyun Jeong, and Kinam Park, “Hydrotropic polymer micelle system for delivery of paclitaxel”, Journal of Controlled Release, (2005) 101(1-3) 59-68.
Yong Woo Cho, Jae Hyun Jeong, Cheol-Hee Ahn, Jong-Duk Kim, Kinam Park, “Cationic Polymers for Gene Delivery: Formation of Polycation-DNA Complexes and in vitro Transfection”, Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook Third Edition, (2004) 4, 5.
Jae Hyun Jeong, Byoung Yun Kim, Sung Ho Cho, and Jong-Duk Kim, “Surface Fabrication of Biotinylated polypeptide Multi-layer Designed for SPR sensing”, Journal of Nonlinear Optic Physics & Materials, (2004) 13(3-4), 525-534.
Jae Hyun Jeong, Jong-Duk Kim, “Surface Chemistry in Biocompatible Nano-colloidal Particles”, Journal of Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea, (2004) 30(3), 295-305.
Jae Hyun Jeong and Jong-Duk Kim, “Surface Chemistry and Colloids”, Recent Advances in Industrial Engineering Chemistry, (2004) 1, 115-134.
Seung Rim Yang, Jae Hyun Jeong, Kinam Park, and Jong-Duk Kim, “Self-aggregates of hydrophobically modified poly(2-hydroxyethyl aspartamide) in aqueous solution”, Colloid and Polymer Science, (2003) 281, 852-861.
Jae Hyun Jeong, Hyung Seok Kang, Seung Rim Yang, Jong-Duk Kim, “Polymer micelle-like aggregates of novel amphiphilic biodegradable poly(asparagine) grafted with poly(caprolactone)”, Polymer, 44 (2003) 583-591.